High Protein Creamy Porridge with Berry Bliss

15 minutes

super easy


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40g of organic oats, soaked overnight with a dash of apple cider vinegar
1.5 scoop of Isagenix Isapro protein powder
½ of organic milk (dairy or plant based)
25g of butter
25-50g of organic frozen blueberries and blackberries, blended in a blender
1 punnet of fresh raspberries, pureed
6 raspberries for garnish
Fresh mint leaves for garnish


In a small saucepan, combine the soaked organic oats and milk. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
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Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for additional minute, until oats are cooked and the porridge reaches your desired consistency. Remove the porridge from the heat and set the porridge aside.
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In a blender, blend the frozen blueberries and blackberries until smooth. Set aside. Puree fresh raspberries in a blender. Set aside.
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Add the IsaPro protein powder and butter to the cooked oats mixture and stir well to incorporate. Pour the creamy porridge into a serving bowl.
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Top the porridge with blended frozen blueberries and blackberries mixture.
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Drizzle the raspberry puree over the porridge, creating a decorative pattern around the bowl.
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Garnish with fresh raspberries and fresh mint leaves. Enjoy this nourishing and delicious breakfast!
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You can sprinkle 1 tbs of extra pumpkin or other seeds for extra crunch.

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